


独处英文 —— 独处英文是solitude。双语例句:1、他很喜欢一天的压力真正开始前的独处时刻。He enjoyed his moments of solitude before the pressures of the day began in earnest.2、他没有什么内在精神寄托,因而害怕独处。He has no inner resources and hates being alone.3、我能清醒思考的惟一时间就是当我

鑻辫we can be alone鎬庝箞缈昏瘧? —— 这里的情态动词应该是表示猜测的意思。所以整个句子可以翻译成,我们可能是独自的。

独处的好处~或者为什么独处~~用英文说说~~越多越好~~ —— 绛旓細Trying to be alone is very important for human,human is connect to each other,but same time,human is independent,when u need to think something,or consider something,then u need to be alone.And to be alone make human more and more independent,many people grow up.

濂ラ粵涓借但鏈殑鍚嶈█鑻辨枃 —— From a person's evaluation of others, you can see this person more thoroughly than others'evaluation of this person. 33、人,更重要的是,有能力自我恢复,自我复活,自我解救,自我救赎;永远不要指望任何人。 People, more importantly, have the ability to self-recovery, self-revival, self-salvation, se

孤单的英语 —— "孤单" 的英文翻译是 "lonely"。这是一个用于描述一个人感到孤独、缺乏陪伴或与他人疏远的情感状态的形容词。以下是关于 "lonely" 的一些常用表达和用法:"Feeling lonely":表示感到孤独。例如,"She has been feeling lonely since her best friend moved away."(自从她最好的朋友搬走后,她一直

适应孤单,伱可以在朋友圈里热闹,也要学会与自己独处英文怎么说 —— In order to adapt to the lonely, you can in the circle of friends and lively, but also learn to be alone 适应孤单,伱可以在朋友圈里热闹,也要学会与自己独处 In order to adapt to the lonely, you can in the circle of friends and lively, but also learn to be alone

鑻辫鍦ㄧ嚎缈昏瘧 —— i like to be alone spend time怪怪的:P from what i mentioned above we can see that it is not necessary 【for true friends】 to be exactly the same 搜到的一些表示的独处英文 fond of being alone; used to being alone 喜欢独处的;习惯于独处的 I've gotten used to 【being

鐙眳涓嶅拰澶栦汉鏉ュ線鏄病濂藉鐨勭敤鑻辨枃鎬庝箞璇 —— 绛旓細Trying to be alone is very important for human,human is connect to each other,but same time,human is independent,when u need to think something,or consider something,then u need to be alone.And to be alone make human more and more independent,many people grow up.

缈昏瘧鑻辨枃璇彞 —— Indeed just sometimes, all I want is to be alone in a house;诚然仅是偶尔,我只想独处一室;Indeed just sometimes, all I want is to go out and get drunk;诚然仅是偶尔,我只想外出酩酊大醉一场;Indeed just sometimes, all I want is to shed tears loudly in a quiet place;诚然

求几首英文歌词的中文译词 —— 1. When you're gone, I always needed time on my own.当你离开时,我总是需要一些独处的时间。2. I never thought I'd need you there when I cried.我从未想过我会在哭泣时需要你在我身边。3. And the days feel like years when I'm alone.你不在的日子里,我度日如年。4. And