


短一点的科比的生平简介(英文版的要带翻译) —— 绛旓細Early life Kobe Bryant is the youngest child and only son of Joe and Pam Bryant. His parents named him after a kind of steak: the famous beef of Kobe, Japan, which they saw on a restaurant menu. At the age of six, Kobe, his parents and two older sisters, Shaya and Sha

KOBE英文介绍 —— 全称:科比.比恩.布莱恩特(Kobe.Bean.Bryant)昵称:Kobe the Kid 生日:1978年8月23日 身高:2.013米 体重:95.3kg 语言:英语,并能说一口流利的意大利语,还略懂一些法语 家庭:父亲乔,母亲,两个姐姐莎拉、莎亚 学历:费城劳尔梅里恩高中(Lower Merion) 星座:处女座 科比的籍贯:宾西法尼亚洲

用英语介绍艾弗森 —— 绛旓細Allen Ezail Iverson (born June 7, 1975)is an American retired professional basketball player who played 14 seasons in the National Basketball Association (NBA) for four teams. He played both the point guard and shooting guard positions. Iverson was an eleven-time NBA All-Star and w

哪位篮球天才能给我一份有关科比英文介绍(6或7句就行,最好简洁明了 —— 绛旓細鑻辨枃:Early life Kobe Bryant is the youngest child and only son of Joe and Pam Bryant. His parents named him after a kind of steak: the famous beef of Kobe, Japan, which they saw on a restaurant menu. At the age of six, Kobe, his parents and two older sisters, Shaya an

英文介绍一个篮球明星 —— 乔丹(Michael Jordan),1963年2月17日生于美国纽约布鲁克林,前美国职业篮球运动员,司职得分后卫,绰号“飞人”(Air Jordan),现为夏洛特黄蜂队老板。迈克尔·乔丹在1984年NBA选秀中于第1轮第3位被芝加哥公牛队选中,职业生涯曾效力于芝加哥公牛队以及华盛顿奇才队,新秀赛季当选NBA年度最佳新秀。

勒布朗詹姆斯英文简介及中文翻译!急!!答对的给40分 —— 勒布朗·詹姆斯(LeBron James,1984年12月30日—) 是NBA篮球员,位置是前锋,身高2.03米,体重108.9公斤。他毕业于圣温森特(St. Vincent-St. Mary HS)高中,2003年成为NBA新人状元。现时效力克里夫兰骑士队。詹姆斯詹姆斯于高中时期即展露出其惊人的篮球天份,在他于NBA的菜鸟球季平均每场就能取得20

乔丹简介(英文版) —— Michael Jordan was born on February 17, 1963 in brooklyn, New York.(迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan),1963年2月17日生于美国纽约布鲁克林。)Former us professional basketball player, point guard, nicknamed "Air Jordan".(前美国职业篮球运动员,司职得分后卫,绰号“飞人”(Air Jordan)。)

介绍科比的英文文章 —— (Kobe Bryant,1978年8月23日出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州费城。)Former NBA player, shooting guard/small forward (swingman).(前美国职业篮球运动员,司职得分后卫/小前锋(锋卫摇摆人)。)Nicknamed "the black mamba"/" Peter pan ", he is the son of former NBA player Joe Bryant.(绰号“

绉戞瘮鑻辨枃浠嬬粛 —— onegameofthe81pointsispowerfulpersonalrecordsproveit,Inadditiontothecrazy,especiallytheabilityoforganizationiskobeBryantisoutstanding,oftenservedasthefirstteamisattackingtheoriginator,Anotherkobeorthebestdefenseleagueone,verytightdefensehelpediscompelling,科比·布莱恩特(1978年8月23日-),美国职业篮球

杩堝厠灏斾箶涓圭殑鐭瘒鑻辨枃浠嬬粛鎷滄墭鍚勪綅澶х —— 绛旓細Michael Jeffrey Jordan was born on February 17, 1963, in Brooklyn, New York, but his family decided to move to Wilmington, North Carolina when he was still a toddler. Jordan is the fourth of five children, having two older brothers and an older and younger sister. Michael鈥榮