


姚明的英文简介(小短文) —— chairman of the Chinese basketball association, the company chairman and general manager, technical secondary school reform pioneer award winner.姚明,男,汉族,无党派人士,1980年9月12日出生于上海市徐汇区,祖籍江苏省苏州市吴江区震泽镇,前中国职业篮球运动员,司职中锋,现任亚洲篮球联合会主席

姚明简介英文版 —— 2009年7月,姚明和医生讨论了病情,在几周的咨询后,姚明为了修复他的左脚要进行手术。他错过了2009到2010年的整个赛季,2010年的12月16日,官方宣布姚明的左脚踝发展成了应力性骨折,涉及到了老伤,所以要缺席剩下的整个赛季。 Retirement  On July 20, 2011, Yao announced his retirement from

英文介绍姚明,5句话,要用上:name,looks,good,at,wearing。 —— I am a basketball fan.My favorite sports star is Yaoming.As we all know,Yao is a super star in NBA now.He is 2.25m tall.我是一名篮球迷。我最喜欢的体育明星是姚明。众所周知,姚明现在是NBA的超级明星。他身高2.25米。He is very young and enegetic.He is good at playing bas

写一篇姚明的英文简介 60-80个词就够了,最好有中文翻译 —— 绛旓細YaoMing was born September 12,1980 in ShangHai.At 226 centimeters he is one of the tallest men in the NBA.He has played basketball all of his life but in 1997 he joined the ShangHai Sharks.In 1998 YaoMing joined the Chinese National team.In the year 2000 Yao joined the Al

将一篇关于姚明的300字左右的文章译成英文 —— 绛旓細His height 229 cm, great wall, called the move by others.In fact, Yao Ming is higher than for other age children as a child, and also because his feet are too big to wear shoes that do not fit on. He put on a pair of suitable shoes and joined the Shanghai youth

濮氭槑鑻辨枃浠嬬粛甯︾炕璇 —— National Basketball Association (NBA) from 2002 to 2011.姚明是一位来自中国的退役职业篮球运动员。他于1980年9月12日出生在中国上海。姚明是历史上最高的职业篮球运动员之一,身高7英尺6英寸(2.29米)。他曾为中国国家篮球队和美国国家篮球协会(NBA)的休斯顿火箭队效力,从2002年到2011年。

姚明的辉煌事迹英文 —— 绛旓細YaoMing was born September 12, 1980 in ShangHai. At 226 centimeters he is one of the tallest men in the NBA. He has played basketball all of his life but in 1997 he joined the ShangHai Sharks. In 1998 YaoMing joined the Chinese National team. In the year 2000 Yao joined

英文介绍篮球明星姚明 —— 绛旓細humility humor temperament and personality charm, won the reputation of the world. Let the world to China had new knowledge and understanding; to let more people concerned about, like basketball. Yao Ming became the East-West cultural bridge, with the individual influence there was no

根据姚明的个人档案,写一篇短文,词数60左右。(英文的) —— 绛旓細started playing for the Shanghai Sharks as a teenager, and played on their senior team for five years in the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA), winning a championship in his final year. He entered the 2002 NBA Draft, and after negotiating with the CBA and the Sharks to secure

关于篮球(姚明)的英文介绍和刘翔的英文介绍 —— 绛旓細Yao Ming's biography QUOTE "The NBA is a big family, and I think of all these rookies as my brothers. I still believe I am blue collar among the All-Stars."-Yao Ming Biography From day one, Yao Ming had the makings of a basketball superstar in his blood. Born on