


我在卧室写作业弟弟在卫生间上厕所用英语怎么说? —— 绛旓細缈昏瘧:Mom cooks in the kitchen, grandpa reads book in the living room, I do my homework in the bedroom and my brother is in the bathroom.

我的妈妈非常善于做饭用英语怎么说 —— 绛旓細My mother is very good at cooking

妈妈做饭用英语怎么说 —— 绛旓細Mother is cooking鍗冲彲

我的妈妈在厨房做饭用英语怎么说 —— My mother is cooking in the kitchen.My mother翻译为:我妈妈;is cooking翻译为:正在做饭;in the kitchen翻译为:在厨房里面。重点单词cook的用法 1、释义 n. 厨师;炊事员 v. 烹调;烧煮;捏造;纂改(账目)2、用法 1)用作不及物动词S+~(+A)Every woman should learn to cook.每一位

有关:妈妈正在做饭 的英语怎么读 —— My mother is cooking now 简单一点就是 Mother is cooking ps;兰州你几年级的

妈妈做饭.爸爸在工作用英语怎么说 —— 妈妈做饭.爸爸在工作 英文翻译 Mom is cooking. Dad's working

妈妈正在做饭用英语怎么说?my mother cooking.两个空 半个小时就要交 —— 绛旓細My mother is cooking.

我的妈妈做饭很好吃用英语怎么说 —— My mother翻译为:我妈妈;is cooking翻译为:正在做饭;in the kitchen翻译为:在厨房里面。重点单词cook的用法 1、释义 n. 厨师;炊事员 v. 烹调;烧煮;捏造;纂改(账目)2、用法 1)用作不及物动词S+~(+A)Every woman should learn to cook.每一位妇女都应该学会做饭。2)用作及物动词S+

喜欢去逛商场,也喜欢拿着我手机玩游戏。英语怎么翻译 —— 我的妈妈善长做饭,我最喜欢吃她做的饭菜了。她喜欢去逛商场,也喜欢拿着我的手机玩游戏。My mother is good at cooking, and I like to eat her food. She likes to go shopping, but also like to hold my mobile phone to play games.

妈妈正在做饭,这时有人敲门.用英语怎么说 —— 妈妈正在做饭,这时有人敲门.的英文翻译 妈妈正在做饭,这时有人敲门.Mother was cooking when someone knocked at the door.重点词汇 妈妈mom; mum; mama; mommy 做饭cook; prepare a meal 这时here 敲门knock; knock at [on] a door; knock at the door; knock on a door